Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009

Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009

Success Party Politics

UGM political observer, Abdul Gaffar Karim, deplores the claims of success with the state policy exploitation of farmers who made the four political party in the political campaign. Form a political party claims of success and promise of agricultural management. Claims of success made by the management of agriculture Golkar Party, Democratic Party (PD), and Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS). While the promise, the implicit made by third parties and political party Gerindra above.

According to Gaffar, such claim is due to systematic confusion in political and governance in Indonesia. First, do not fit the mandate of power between the source and the pattern of power management. Second, the confusion between the presidential and parliamentary mechanisms. Third, absennya political ethics.

"The system we are not firm, about whether presidential or parliamentary system," said Gaffar in Monthly Seminar Center for Studies and Rural Regions (PSPK) UGM, Thursday afternoon (5 / 3).

Gaffar said further, even though President SBY selected and get a mandate from the people, he should be free to determine and select the ministers loyal to him to sit in the cabinet. Minister can only come from the Democratic Party.

In reality, however, rainbow cabinet formation SBY is based on the coalition parties, including PD, Golkar, PPP, PAN, and the MCC. This causes some ministers who come from each party claiming the success of its work with during the campaign. "Even ministers have claimed that as the initiator of welfare," Gaffar supplement.

There is a claim with the success of the exploit the farmers because the farmers is one of the two most arouse the target constituents in Indonesia. The other is the target voters.

"Voter is an investment for beginners selectivity constituents. Meanwhile, the farmers, the amount is still statistically significant, "he explained.

Told Gaffar, at this time the number of farmers in India occupying the largest portion in the society. Agricultural census data of 2003 show the number of head of household (family) farmers around 25.4 million. Systematically if it is assumed every household there are at least three lives that have the right voice, the voice that can be fed to reach 76.2 million.

"An amount sufficient to take a seat toward Capres RI 1 in one round," demolished the teaching staff this Fisipol UGM.

Gaffar also regrets that the PDIP mentions himself as the opposition party. This is also due to the confusion is the presidential and parliamentary mechanisms. According to him, the opposition party more commonly known in the parliamentary rather than presidential system.

"In a presidential system is not known to the opposition party. Conversely in the parliamentary system, opposition parties is paid. Disrupt the government in power, political and warm atmosphere through the mass media, "he said.

Gaffar also offend the House of Representatives, which is always scrutinize the performance of the executive with the call of the minister and the Director General to report the results of work. In presidential systems of performance assessment should be determined by the government of the people with the selected or not selected again in the next election.

In the same opportunity, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochammad Maksum, the claims of success by 4-5 political parties about food self-sufficient in 2008 as campaign material.

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