Minggu, 03 Mei 2009

Elins UGM Team Champion National Innovation Technology Development prototype Penakar Rain Based Mikrokontroler

Team of students and Department of Electronic Instrumentation (Elins) FMIPA UGM consisting of Gallan Kusuma, Fauzi Marjalih, Akbari Indra Basuki and succeeded in reaching the national competition champion Innovation Technology Development prototype Rain Based Mikrokontroler. Competition held by Meteorological Agency, climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG) on March 17-18 ago. UGM team successfully beat 10 finalists who came from Bandung Institute of Technology, University of Indonesia-Jakarta, University of Al-Azhar, Jakarta-Malang Brawijaya University, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Ahmad Yani University-Bandung, and the State University Taruma -Jakarta.

One of the innovations of the prototype Elins form automatic rain wireless communication with radio frequency-based and online via the Internet as a remote monitor. Mentioned by Galan, the benefits of this prototype is to be transmision and process rainfall data directly to the monitor via online and can be displayed graphical statistics.

"The advantage this prototype can be used for a variety of sensors, can be used for data transmission and processing of data acquired by the computer," said Galan Shows in chatting with reporters in the room Fortakgama, Friday (24 / 4).

During this time of the data, such as in BMKG, are manual and have not yet acquired by the computer. In addition, the added Galang, this prototype can facilitate data processing in rainfall with the cheaper cost and time of data faster.

"We use the prototype with a very affordable cost, the transmission is also in all kinds of data. Processing data easier and scope can be expanded, "said student origin Cilegon, Banten, this.

From the invention of this prototype, reading sensor data can be directly stored in the flash memory to LCD display ago and sent to the computer from a remote. Thus, there will be no problem in sensor placement rain.

Gallan said in general rain tool that is used with the international standards using tipping bucket. However, in general, have problems in data acquisition. Moreover, the data still have a manual and have not yet acquired by the computer. According to him, this sensor can be placed anywhere, either in the middle of the field and in the place that make difficult to reach without system.

"The use of Radio Frequency (RF) on the equipment we install rain as the system of data transmission, making it possible for some of the data logger is connected to the computer," he explained.

Other team members, Fauzi Marjalih, said sampling of rainfall through this prototype can be done automatically and realistic in some places at once. Direct connection to the Internet, allows the data can be sent directly to the internet server in real time or periodically. As a result, rainfall data can be accessed by the public at any time and anywhere through internet.

"In the prototype we able to reach this area in a radius of approximately 200 meters. When added charged, it will be capable of reaching hundreds of kilometers, "he said.

What is expressed by Fauzi by lecturers as well as the Chairman of the Progran Studies Elins FMIPA, Dr. Agus Harjoko. According to him, the prototype made students relatively new and has not been developed in Indonesia. If developed further, can be used as information rainfall and multichannel hundreds of kilometers in radius. "By increasing the radio frequency, this type of prototype can transmit data of rainfall in the Mount Lawu, read live from Yogyakarta," he said.

Added Akbar, prototype rain this automatic data-processing statistics are processed. Data rate of rainfall received by the sensor are sent in each time. "This means every rainfall per millimeter in the tipping bucket will be reported automatically in the statistical data each second, minute, and date," said

Akbar further explain the mechanism of this prototype. Rainfall through the tipping bucket is sent via radio frequency. Each tipping bucket able to read 0.2 to 0.5 millimeter of rainfall. "For example tipping bucket five minutes each will be multiplied by 0.2 milli meters. Then the data is sent to the computer that displayed graphics, "he explained.

Gallan back add this prototype is not only to measure the degree of rainfall, but can also be used to detect air pollution, landslides, and earthquakes.

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